




Stunning Wall Paints
Check out our new Exteriror Wall Paint Effect with an elegant granite finish


PERFECTO GRANITE is a high decorative finish of exterior facades, highly weather-resistant, the aggression of different environments (marine, chemical). The finish is formulated with pure marble grains, enriched with precious silver or gold mica, this special synthesis leads to a result of great class, elegance and exclusivity. PERFECTO GRANITE can be applied to the most varied nature of the sup (concrete, lime, old plastic plasters, concrete, and so on)



  • High breathability (penetration rate of water vapour very close to that of the lime) Very high water repellence (guarantee of water resistance)
  • Self-cleaning (its microstructure highly water-resistant, minimizes the contact area for water and dirt and helping self cleaning)
  • High elasticity (contains micro the substrate leaving its characteristics)
  • Effect anticrack -(due to the excellent flexibility of the elastomer)
  • Antialga-antifungal (essential in a insulation to prevent the black algal)
  • Excellent color resistance to ultraviolet and weather
  • Thanks to its characteristics PERFECTO GRANITO is used in buildings for the protection and decoration of wall surfaces both outside and inside of prestigious buildings, Villas Luxury Hotels, both new and old building, getting an excellent classic marble effect.

  • PERFECTO GRANITO is a paste product based elastomeric emulsion modified with siloxane re-selected fillers, pigments resistant to light and weathering, specific additives.

  • Mortar and lime or cement, paint or mineral and synthetic coatings, perfectly dry and cohesive are suitable, Apply a coat of SILOSSANA PRIMER dilluted 100% with water; after 12 hours apply the first coat of PERFECTO LISCIO with a roller of the same colour as the finished one (diluted with about 5%water) covering the surface actuarially. Depending on the colour chosen it may be necessary apply a third coat of PERFECTO LISCIO (diluted with about 5%water) After 24 hours spread a coat of PERFECTO GRANITO with a stainless steel trowel, when it is still humid create the final finish. Do not apply on surfaces where there is shown signs of rising damp or infiltration.
  • Dilution: Ready to use
  • Yield: 0.7 m² / l

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